Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Virtual Israel II

Our time in Israel has been wonderful and whirlwind. Sadly, tomorrow we will be flying back to Seattle.
The first half of the trip can be seen here Here is a nifty video Sasha put together.

Since then, the students have:

Marveled at the Dead Sea: how the salt water makes things float and how magical the mud feels on our skin.

 Explore the archaeology of the land. Searching through the sand, treasures were uncovered.
Third grade found fragments of a broken artifact and worked together to restore the vessel. This was a challenging task, involving great teamwork and problem-solving. They gained a greater understanding of the work of archaeologists. 

One of the challenges of being a tourist in Israel is the language barrier. For the children to experience this struggle, they were given the opportunity to shop at the 'makolet' where the shopkeeper only spoke Hebrew.
For the preschool, the makolet was selling Arcticim [popsicles]. The children were given Israeli currency and had to request a specific color in Hebrew. Their confidence and ability to get their color of choice was impressive.

 Everyone else who came to the makolet faced a greater challenge. There was a variety of items for sale, at different prices, and each student had to navigate making a purchase.  They had to use Hebrew and math to buy anything. 

I made Hebrew phrases guides to assist the students but it was still very challenging for them.

  I hope the students have loved the Israel experience as much as I have!

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